The Steps we Take Installing Quartz Overlay

Installing Quartz

Installing quartz overlay can be a fun and easy way to spruce up your kitchen or bathroom countertops. It’s quite a DIY project, so we advise leaving it to the professionals and it can be done within a good time frame! Here are our seven steps to installing quartz overlay!

The Product

Gather Supplies

Gather all the necessary supplies for the job. We use a level, caulk gun, silicone adhesive, a scouring pad, mortar mix, sponge and bucket for cleaning, dry cloths for wiping away excess water or dust, and of course the quartz overlay.

Clean the Surface

Our team will give the area a good scrub down with warm water and a scouring pad or sponge. Ensuring we remove any dirt or residue that might be lingering on the surface before moving on to step three.

Measure Twice

Measure twice and cut once! This is always important when dealing with any kind of home renovation project. We measure exactly how much quartz overlay we will need to cover your counter area by using a measuring tape or yardstick. Once we have an accurate measurement, we mark it off and cut it accordingly with a saw or similar tool.

Prep the Area

Now it’s time to prep the area where our contractors will install your quartz overlay by ensuring that all surfaces are clean and level. This includes using a leveler to make sure that everything is even throughout the area so that when we apply our adhesive it won’t run into any crevices or uneven spots. If necessary, we do invest in foam backing tape around the edges of counters as well as between cracks in wall tiles for added support.

Apply Adhesive

Now that everything is prepped and ready to go, it’s time to apply our adhesive! Starting from one corner of your countertop and work in small sections at a time while applying pressure evenly across each section of adhesive applied with a caulk gun until reaching desired coverage level. If needed we add extra adhesive along the edges of quartz pieces as needed so they stay in place securely when set down on the surface below them.

Place Pieces

The fitters carefully place each piece of quartz onto its designated spots on your countertop starting from one corner again and working towards another until finished covering the entire surface area with pieces selected earlier (in step three). We ensure that each piece is firmly placed down onto the surface below them before continuing onto the next section so nothing shifts during the installation process later on down line!

    Would you like to Invest in Quartz Overlay Today?

    That’s it! After applying these 7 steps you will now have beautiful quartz overlay countertops perfect for impressing friends and family alike without having a broken bank account in the process. Our services are extremely reasonable with exquisite colours and professional service so you know you’re in safe hands!

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